If we do decide to use tax dollars to incentivize development, we must assure that the program is transparent and that there is good oversight.

Published in The Columbian"The Multifamily Tax Exemption program, or the MFTE, offers tax breaks to developers who price a portion of their units under a certain monthly rent threshold, or who offer to provide some sort of public benefit, such as a park or an art installation. The idea is to increase housing stock, providing an incentive for developers to build in Vancouver. But some are starting ...

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The impacts of a transportation project cannot be overburdening our neighborhoods when there are alternative, less impactful ways to reach the same goals. "Glen Yung, a Hough resident and city council candidate who spoke strongly against the Westside Bike Mobility Projects in prior public forums, offered a last word. "I think all of you in this meeting are well aware of my thoughts on the project....

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