Treasuring our Natural Resources

One thing that almost everyone I talk to shares is a love of the Pacific Northwest's natural resources.At the same time, almost everyone also shares a concern that our area's natural environment is being degraded at an alarming rate.

Sprawl, poor past practices, and weak enforcement of legal protections can strain our local natural treasures to a breaking point.Recent heat domes are putting our beloved trees and wildlife at further risk.

Prioritization of the restoration and protection of our environment is critical.

Both the city of Vancouver and Clark County have sound environmental protection laws already on the books. State and Federal protections are also extended too many of our natural resources. Full adherence to the laws already on the books will ensure that our natural resources are protected and conserved for future generations. 

 How has Glen Yung fought for the environment?

Enter your text here .I have fought for protection of our dwindling forests and open space. I have also put personal effort into advocating for enhancing and growing our parks and open spaces.

Here are just a few examples of how I have advocated for environmental protection:..

  1. Glen Advocates for trees, parks and open space.
    One of the largest projects in recent history proposes to remove close to 20 acres of one of the last remaining forested areas in Vancouver.I publicly raised concern to city leaders about their approval of a project that will not decrease the deficit of our city's park lands.
  2. Park Impact Fees: Glen asks City to pay their fair share
    Vancouver and Clark County's population continues to grow dramatically, but not our access to parks and open spaces.  I feel this is a serious issue. The law requires that cities fund parks equally to the amount of revenue they are collecting in impact fees from all development, so that there is a "balance" between impact fees and other sources of public funds. The city is only matching at a 7% rate.  If the city were to pay its fair share, funding for parks would nearly double and we would have robust parks and open spaces in our community.   
  3. River and Park Restoration Efforts
    Despite Burnt Bridge Creek being one of the most beloved waterways and trails in our area, this faithful waterway is faced with increasing pollution, trash and other debris.  This is why my family and I, together with other community volunteers have devoted a great deal of time to removing debris and cleaning abandoned encampments to restore the creek's watershed.   Another impact to our rivers and parks is the ubiquitous and aggressive spread of English Ivy.  My family and I have participated in local projects to remove ivy that threatens the health and longevity of our trees and forests.   
  4. Community Environmental Group participation
    I am a proud supporter of local grassroots efforts for environmental protection.  I am also an active member of a local tree conservation group.

As a County Council member, I will bring new ideas that will address the large impacts that development is having on our ever dwindling tree canopy and work toward the conservation of our environment. 

I humbly ask for your vote so I can continue my fight for a better Clark County for us and generations to come.

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If we do decide to use tax dollars to incentivize ...


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Sunday, 09 March 2025